
I’ve decided it may be worth while to have a blog going on my site. This info will also be cross-posted to the Patreon, so if you’re on there you should be getting this info, and in all likelihood you’ll receive it early.

Just as a quick introduction. I hope to have at least one of these up every month that has an overarching update for my work. On top of that, there will be updates here with info on several on going projects, like A World Sewn Shut, Hidden from the Sun, and illustration and fine art series that I’m working on. If there’s a slow time for me then I’ll update here with poems and my thoughts on them/what I was thinking while writing them. For more of my poetry you can check out my Poetry tab that has a few short collections.

In addition to updates on worldbuilding and other categories, I’ll also probably post some of my merch designs or any miscellaneous work I’m doing like graphics, mographs, experiments with 3D modeling, or short stories or crowdfunding campaigns. Make sure to stay tuned here for that.

Pretty soon I’ll be starting a monthly newsletter as well. I’ll update on another blog post about my new posting schedule. I try to put out content a few times a week to TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter, but for the bigger updates like AWSS, HFTS, and this blog it should be once a month each.

As you can see there’s some merch designs here that I’ve been working on. I’m going to try to get a poll out next month to see what everyone thinks should be my first* shirt drop, as well as a few other pieces of merch I’m working on.

I have a lot going on right now and I’m afraid people might think that that is irresponsible, and it might be tbh, but it’s also the only way I know how to work.

If I work too much on any one project then I burn myself out and then I’ll never get back to it. If I put all my eggs into one basket and lose the novel aspects then all that build up will have been for nothing, and I leave my supporters without updates. SO, this is the only way I know how to keep up with everything.

Feel free to email me if you have any questions or suggestions. Also, let me know if you have anything you want me to write a blog post about. I’d be willing to do that as well! Thanks so much to everyone for their support!